
Development of Stepford would not have been possible without the stellar technical and design contributions of:

Senior Developer Dave Mee

Developer Maartje Weenink.

During our cooperation with Mozilla, we were guided by the mentorship and enthusiastic support of:

Abigail Cabunoc Mayes

Temi Popo

Mehan Jayasuriya.

Through Mozilla’s network, we met Apryl Williams and Jennifer Davis, who we’d like to thank for inviting us to present at the Algorithmic Reparation Workshop in September of 2022.

We would like to thank the other awardees in our Mozilla Technology Fund cohort, whose dedication to working toward a healthier Internet has been both instructive and inspiring.

Stepford is an evolution of the ‘Narrative Future of AI’ project, which was launched during the pilot cohort of Mozilla’s Trustworthy AI working group. We’d like to thank the incredible group of international volunteers who explored human and machine creativity with us, dedicating their time and effort toward a collection of short stories written in collaboration with GPT-2 and 3:

Nicole Wheeler

Shantam Raj

Emma Nuttall 

Sophie Helen Bishop

Yung Au

George Ogoh

Thanks to everyone involved!

– David, Marsha and Toby, 2023