March 2022: Algowritten Presentation at MozFest

(Source: Connor Ballard-Pateman via Mozilla)

At Mozfest, we presented the background of the project, including what we learned from making the first Algowritten short story collection. We showed a video of the working Stepford prototype that took an AI-generated text segment and used GPT-3 to analyse it for sexism and declare a reason for its assessment.

Video of the app in development, used at MozFest 2022

The last part of the session was opened up for discussion about potential use and misuse of the tool. One attendee made a great point about Stepford’s potential misuse, saying that it could develop toward a ‘grammarly-like’ tool that could help mask dangerous situations and make hostile jobs and/or people seem more appealing to those who would otherwise count on the red flags of sexist language to deter them. We will continue to explore unanticipated use-cases and their potential harm and mitigation throughout development.